Ryan Louie
Computer Science Department
Stanford University
I have started my postdoc at Stanford CS in Sept 2023, in the area of AI/NLP for Mental Health.
✨ In late August 2023, I defended my PhD thesis! ✨ The thesis was titled "Human-AI Interface Layers: Enhancing Communication of Intent for AI-Assisted Creative Pursuits and Social Experiences" [PDF] [Talk Recording]
I was also awarded a Google PhD Fellowship in Human Computer Interaction in 2022! Northwestern wrote a nice article featuring me as a fellowship recipient.
About me
I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at Stanford University CS, where I collaborate with Diyi Yang and Emma Brunskill to advance AIs potential to assist in Mental Health and Psychotherapy. Mental health providers--from trained therapists to volunteer peer supporters--remain crucial, and we hypothesize that AI-assisted training and practice can improve their efficacy, confidence, and growth. Human-AI collaboration and interfaces for effectively imbuing AIs with domain-specific and personal-knowledge of this area will be important.
I received my PhD from Northwestern's Technology and Social Behavior program, where I worked closely with Prof. Haoqi Zhang and Darren Gergle. My research aimed to enhance people's communication of intent and goals when using AI systems to assist in personally-meaningful pursuits, such as creating music compositions and sharing meaningful social experiences at distance. To do this, I advanced Human-AI Interface Layers, a technology sitting on top of existing AIs that help people in communicating their intent and expectations to their AI assistants and collaborators.
Featured Publications

EMNLP 2024.

ACL 2024.

IUI '22.

CHI '22.

CSCW '20.