The Cane Game: An Educational Tool for Orientation and Mobility

Paul Ruvolo, Ryan Louie, Eric Jerman

Rawal: A Reflection Assistant with Active Listening for Peer Support Chats

Ryan Louie, Taewook Kim, Zhenhui Peng


Affinder: Expressing Concepts of Situations that Afford Activities using Context-Detectors

Ryan Louie, Darren Gergle, Haoqi Zhang

Expressive Communication: Evaluating Developments in Generative Models and Steering Interfaces for Music Creation

Ryan Louie, Jesse Engel, Anna Huang


Collective Narrative: Scaffolding Community Storytelling through Context-Awareness

Nina Cong, Kevin Chen, Haoqi Zhang, Ryan Louie


Novice-AI Music Co-Creation via AI-Steering Tools for Deep Generative Models

Ryan Louie, Andy Coenen, Anna Huang, Michael Terry, Carrie Cai

Opportunistic Collective Experiences: Identifying Shared Situations and Structuring Shared Activities at Distance

Ryan Louie, Kapil Garg, Jennie Werner, Allison Sun, Darren Gergle, Haoqi Zhang


Leveraging Augmented Reality to Create Apps for People with Visual Disabilities: A Case Study in Indoor Navigation

Chris Yoon, Ryan Louie, Jeremy Ryan, MinhKhang Vu, Hyegi Bang, William Derksen, Paul Ruvolo
Best Artifact Award